= Life of B.-P. =


Robert Baden-Powell
Feb 22, 1857 - Jan 8, 1941

Founder of the
World Scout Movement
Chief Scout of the World
This portrait was originally sketched base on 1929 painting by David Jagger. The original is displayed in the conference room at World Headquarters of WOSM in Geneva, Switzerland. It was presented to B-P on August 6, 1929 at the 3rd World Jamboree at Arrowe Park, Birkenhead of England. This was known as the "Coming of Age Jamboree" as it marked the 21st anniversary of Scouting. It was Baden-Powell's favorite.

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, more affectionately know as "B.-P.", was born in London, England, on February 22, 1857.

At the age of 12 he received a scholarship from Charterhouse School, one of England's famous public schools. The school was then located in London, but it soon moved to Godalming in Surrey. There were some woods just outside the school; they were out-of-bounds for the pupils. It was here that B.-P. practiced following wildlife. He is said to have camped and and cooked over small fires so the smoke didn't give him away to the school masters. (This was to be valuable training for later in his career).


Choosing a military career. B.-P. served in campaigns in India, Afghanistan and South Africa. He became world famous during the Boer war for the defense of Mafeking, a small town in South Africa. With 800 men, he was besieged by a force of 9,000 Boer soldiers. His small force held out against these immense odds for 217 days, until a relief column of British soldiers arrived.

At Mafeking, B.-P. organized his "Messenger Cadets". Trained in efficiency, obedience and smartness, they performed many tasks, relieving soldiers for active defense of the town. After the Boer war, B.-P. organized the South African Constabulary and designed a uniform for them that later became the basic Boy Scout Uniform.

While still in Africa. B.-P. wrote "Aids to Scouting", a manual designed to train soldiers to become army scouts. Many youth and organizations in Britain used ideas from this manual as the basis of adventurous programs. He discussed this matter with Sir William Smith, the found of the Boy's Brigade, and other leading youth workers.

First Scout Camping

He then planned a camp to test his program ideas. The camp was held from July 25 to August 9 in 1907 on Brownsea Island. The "Scoutmaster" was Lt.-Gen. Robert Baden-Powell. His assistants were B.W. Green, H. Robson, and P.W. Everett.

While still in Africa. B.-P. wrote "Aids to Scouting", a manual designed to train soldiers to become army scouts. Many youth and organizations in Britain used ideas from this manual as the basis of adventurous programs. He discussed this matter with Sir William Smith, the found of the Boy's Brigade, and other leading youth workers. He then planned a camp to test his program ideas. The camp was held from July 25 to August 9 in 1907 on Brownsea Island. The "Scoutmaster" was Lt.-Gen. Robert Baden-Powell. His assistants were B.W. Green, H. Robson, and P.W. Everett.

Scouting for Boys

The camp was a tremendous success. Based on this experiment, B.-P. wrote his book "Scouting for Boys", which was published in six parts starting in January 1908. It has been printed in many editions: the current edition is the last one edited by B.-P.. By the end of 1908, this book was translated into five other languages. The sketches in the book were all done by B.-P., most of them based on this own exciting career.

In 1909, Kind Edward VII, who had taken a great deal of interest in this new Movement, made the founder a Knight in recognition of his work for boys. At this time, B.-P. was Inspector General of the Cavalry. King Edward noted the Boy Scout Movement was so important that B.-P. would do his country a great service if he would resign from the army and devote his full time to Scouting. B.-P. did so, and the Movement grew by leaps and bounds. It was King Edward VII who inaugurated the King's Scout Badge. This was later changed to the Queen's Scout Badge in recognition of Queen Elizabeth II's ascension to the throne.

Scouting Spread Out

Scouting spread throughout England, the Commonwealth, and other countries. Scouting came to Canada in May 1908. It started in many communities at the same time, and there is no way to know which community had Scouting first. Chile was the first non-Commonwealth Country to adopt the Scouting program.

In 1912, B.-P. met and later married Miss Olave Soames, who later became the Chief Guide. In 1920, the International Conference of Scouting was formed and at the world Jamboree in 1920, B.-P. was acclaimed as Chief Scout of the World - the only person ever to hold that title.

B.-P. devoted the rest of his life to Scouting and the promotion of the world brotherhood. He believed that no better way could be found than by enrolling youth in Scouting, a Movement that had no national boundaries.

B.-P. and the Gilwell

in 1929, at the "Coming of Age" Jamboree, King George V made the founder a Baron. Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell took his title from Gilwell Park, the International Training Centre for Scouters. It is located in Epping Forest, just outside of London England.

Vanguard Gone Home

In failing health, B.-P. took up residence in Africa in 1937. On the 8th of January 1941, rich in both years and service, B.-P. died. His grave in in Nyeri, in the shadow of Mount Kenya. His tombstone bears the simple inscription:


Carved into the stone are the Scout and Guide badges and the familiar circle with the dot in the centre signifying "Gone Home".

source: Scouts Canada Fact Sheet, produced by Communications Service, Scouts Canada, Ottawa, 1993.